We Three

We Three
Three good reasons to get out of bed on a cold, rainy night!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Well, Gentle Readers, it had to happen sometime, I suppose. I managed to get through all spring and summer and most of fall without getting a single illness, but it's all caught up to me now!

I got sick at the Great Big Sea concert in Minneapolis. There's no question. And the most likely culprit (if the grapevine is accurate) is The Shantyman, McGoo, The Goat Banger himself, Sean McCann.

I'd like to put an awesome spin on it -- Sean McCann gave me his cold! But there is no awesomeness to this. And it wasn't even like I was anywhere near him, but the Pantages is a small place. And with him busting a lung to sing, obviously his Newfoundland germs were in the air.

And if he wasn't sick, somebody else was, the Pantages was a pretty full house. Might have even been somebody around me. See, this is one of the reasons I hate being an audience member. You never know who you're sitting next to. At least in the stage manager's ivory tower, you are all alone (well, most of the time, sometimes you have a lighting tech with you) and you can kind of control for germs in your environment. And backstage, of course, people are rabid about not getting exposed, so even if one of your talent is sick, there's so much anti-bacterial stuff back there that you probably won't get it. But in the vast throng of audience members . . . ugh. I hate other people's germs! 

Yesterday I had a wretched sore throat. Today, I am feeling that logy tiredness and I'm coughing 'cause it's all gone into my lungs. My throat isn't nearly as sore, though, almost feels normal. Here's hoping it passes quickly, it's almost time for me to get my flu shot.

And I don't mean to bore you silly, Gentle Readers, with my own health-related issues. But this is better than a 140 character Tweet or a brief Facebook status update.

I think I'm going to go take a nap.

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