We Three

We Three
Three good reasons to get out of bed on a cold, rainy night!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Family Birthday Party

Today, Dear Readers, it was my nephew's annual birthday party. I know it's a cliche, but I swear, I cannot believe how much time has gone by. These children are the spawn of Hubby's brother and sister-in-law, making them my in-laws also, but the cool thing is because Hubby and bro are brothers, they have pretty much left off the 'in-law' thing. To the kids, I am just plain Auntie and they are my nephews, full stop. It's kind of nice having a sister, even if she isn't a geek. And it's nice having another brother, one who isn't an anti-social psychopath.

Here's a shot of most of the extended family, I took this towards the end of dinner tonight. Sorry for the lighting, I am still learning how to use all the modes on my new camera. Sorry it's so small, guys, I don't know how to resize them in this format yet.

From left to right, the young guy with his back to the camera is Dylan, my sister-in-law's nephew. Out of the pic to his left are his parents, Tim and Dawn. Tim is my SIL's brother, the blond I was talking about on Facebook. Then we have SIL's best friends Marilyn and Tammy, then my MIL Mary, my sistser-in-law Sam in the green, Dylan's sister (the blond) and the kid is Finnigan, the 2 year old. Not pictured are hubby's brother Ben and Finnegan's older brother Manning.

This is a shot of just the two kids together:

Finnegan is the red head, and Manning is the blond. This was taken moments before the Present Opening, so they were both a little squirrelly and excited.

And here is another shot of Finnegan. I have to include it because it is just so cute. That's a better shot of 'Aunt' Tammy, Sam's best friend.

Without a doubt, the hit of the party was a gift that was supposed to be for the kids, but wound up entertaining the adults no end. They're called Sing-a-ma-jigs, they even have a website: http://www.thesingamajigs.com/product.aspx and they're supposedly the hottest toys for Christmas, for young kids. Personally I think I'm going to try to buy them for some of the adults I know!

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